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Website data

The owner of this website is Pankarita Lola SL , a Spanish company registered in the Mercantile Registry of Barcelona.

CIF: B-67234278
Calle de la Independencia 340 local
Barcelona, Spain)
T 934 36 46 23


Legal warning


Welcome to the website of the Suma Manq'a restaurant.


Below we present the terms and conditions of use of this website that users must follow. Browsing through this website confers the condition of user of the same, which is why we advise you to carefully read this notice to proceed with its correct use, since any use contrary to that provided for here is totally prohibited.


1. Object


Pankarita Lola SL (hereinafter “the Company”) is the owner of the website of the Suma Manq'a restaurant: . The information and contents that are collected on our website are the property of the Company or its "partners" or collaborators. La  obtaining, reproducing, distributing, ceding, transmitting, modifying or publicly communicating the content of this website for commercial use or other than that of the user's own staff, is strictly prohibited.
Access to the Web is free except for those sections for which a "password" or access password is required, which will be granted by the Company to those people it freely decides.


2. Rules of use


As a user of the Web, you must at all times make appropriate use of it and of the contents or services that it includes, respecting at all times the current legislation and the property rights of the Company and/or its "partners" or collaborators.
It is prohibited, and every user or third party undertakes, not to carry out any action (including introduction or dissemination of "computer viruses") that causes damage or alterations to the contents of the Web, as well as not to intervene or cause alterations in the mail email, reserving the right to exclude you from accessing our website otherwise.
Likewise, the use of any resources of any nature or type by which a third party or users can benefit, with or without profit, from the contents, forms, indexes, and other formal expressions that are part of this website is prohibited. In particular, any alteration of the Website that may affect its current content is prohibited.


3. Intellectual property


Our Website contains trademarks, patents, copyrights and other industrial or intellectual property rights that are the property of the Company or third-party partners or collaborators. The visit of a user to our website does not confer any right or license on the aforementioned industrial or intellectual property rights, ours or those of third parties.
The design, images, photographs, maps, graphics, “frames”, “banners”, the software and its different source or object codes, and other integrating elements of our Website are, unless otherwise specified, owned by the Company. , which legitimately exclusively owns the exploitation rights over them. Consequently, the user who accesses the Web cannot under any circumstances copy, modify, distribute, transmit, reproduce, publish, license, transfer, sell or transmit them in any way, or create new products or services derived from the information and elements here contents.
The designs or graphics that appear on our website and that are owned by companies or entities collaborating with the Company or third parties will also be subject to these conditions and protection, except with the express and written consent of such companies or entities.


4. Responsibility


Our commitment is to offer the operation of the Web with the highest professionalism and quality, attending to the claims of the user or client, effectively guaranteeing the secrecy of communications and repairing faults that may occur in the technological infrastructure, all of which is necessary. for the correct maintenance and use of the Web.
In any case, we reserve the right to temporarily suspend and without prior notice, access to our website in case of maintenance, repair, update or improvement of services, information and content, as well as to modify or update information, content and conditions of access to it.
We are responsible for the information, content, products or services directly originating from us and included on this website, committing ourselves to offering them with the highest standards of quality and service.
We are not responsible for the products or services included, provided or offered by collaborating third parties or entities that are accessed through "links" or "frames" contained on our website. Nor are we responsible for the content, advertising, information, communication, opinion or statement, of any kind, disseminated by those third-party collaborators or entities that can be accessed through this website.


5. Privacy Policy


The Suma Manq'a restaurant is highly aware of the need to maintain an adequate privacy and security policy for the personal and identifying data of the users of its services. The treatment of personal data, as well as the sending of commercial communications carried out by electronic means, are in accordance with Organic Law 15/1999, of December 13, on the Protection of Personal Data and Law 34/2002, of July 11, Services of the Information Society and Electronic Commerce. Consequently, below it sets out its commitment to the privacy of the users of our website.

5.1 Processing of Personal Data


The navigation of a user through our website is carried out completely anonymously. We do not collect information or individual data of a personal nature, except when the user expressly provides us with that information. The data that the user voluntarily provides will be included in a file owned by Hotel de la Villa Olímpica, SA and processed by Pankarita Lola SL .  This file is duly registered in the General Registry of the Agency Spanish Data Protection, and its purpose is to respond to the query requested as well as offer information about services and promotions of the Suma Manq'a restaurant or its "partners" or collaborators.
The Company expressly informs and guarantees users that their personal data will not be transferred to third-party companies without their authorization, unless some type of transfer of personal data is to be made, for which express consent will be requested in advance. informed, and unequivocal by the holders.


Automatic collection of other information (“cookies”)

When you access our website, information is occasionally collected automatically that does not refer to a specific person (e.g. Internet browser used and operating system; domain name of the website from which you came; the number of visits, the average time of permanence, pages consulted, etc.). Pankarita Lola SL uses this information to know if our website is attractive as well as to improve its content. When you visit  our website, it may happen that information is stored in the form of a "cookie" on your computer, in order to be automatically recognized on your next visit. In no case will "cookies" be used to collect personal information.
To use this website, it is not necessary for the user to allow the installation of "cookies" sent by the website, therefore, the user has the possibility of configuring his browser to be notified of the reception of "cookies" and to prevent its installation on your computer. Please consult the instructions and manuals of your browser for further information.


5.3 Security


The Company's commitment is to comply with the obligation of secrecy regarding the personal data obtained and to treat them with the required confidentiality. In this sense, the appropriate security measures are adopted to avoid its alteration, loss, or unauthorized treatment or access.
The Company informs that the website may use information security techniques generally accepted in the industry (firewalls, access control procedures, etc.) in order to prevent unauthorized access to data. To achieve these purposes, the user accepts that the Company obtain data for the purposes of the corresponding authentication of access controls.


5.4 Links to third party pages


The website of the Suma Manq'a restaurant may contain links to the websites of other companies to which this Data Protection Statement is not extended.
Thus,   reservations for the Suma Manq'a restaurant through this website are made through external access to the reservation system of La Fourchette España, SL To do this, in the reservation sections of this Web has provided a "link" to access the Web page owned by the company La Fourchette España, SL In this way, the contribution of personal data that the user makes when making his reservation, will be doing it to the company La Fourchette España , SL and not to the Company.
Any user who has made an online reservation for the Suma Manq'a restaurant, may at any time exercise the right to access, rectify, oppose and, where appropriate, cancel their personal data provided, by means of a written request addressed to LA FOURCHETTE ESPAÑA, SL, Avda. General Perón, 19 7ª A. 28020 Madrid. Likewise, you may exercise these rights through the email address:


5.5 Exercise of Rights


In relation to the data collected on this website, you may exercise your rights of access, rectification, cancellation or opposition, as well as revoke the consent granted for the processing of your data. The exercise of such rights may be exercised through a written and signed request, containing the name and surname of the applicant, address for notification purposes and a photocopy of the National Identity Document or Passport. The request may be made through postal mail or by e-mail at the following address:


Pankarita Lola SL
Calle de la Independencia 340 local
T 934 36 46 23


We will be happy to help.




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